Google File System

Actual Paper


  1. The original paper was published in 2003 at SOSP (Symposium on Operating Systems Principles)
  2. Distributed file system built for Google’s computational needs - to support hundreds of clients concurrently reading/writing to large files, while ensuring HA, performance and reliability.

Original Motivation

  1. Google stored dozens of copies of the entire web.
  2. Google was serving thousands of queries/second. Each query reads 100s of MB data and each query consumes many CPU cycles.
  3. Needed a large, distributed, highly fault tolerant file system.
  4. To build a replicated storage layer using commodity hardware – to power batch jobs. (Eventually powered other projects)
  5. Since GFS was primarily designed for batch workloads, it is optimized for appends rather than modifying files – users are generally expected to write large files at once than modify/write small files

Assumptions / Design Motivations

  1. Fault-tolerance and auto-recovery needed to be built-in.
  2. Standard I/O assumptions (e.g. block size) to be re-examined.
  3. Appends are the prevalent form of writing. And most files are written once and read many times.
  4. Everything must run on commodity hardware with frequent component failures.
  5. Aggregate read/write bandwidth more relevant instead of per client.


Not POSIX compliant.

  1. Read (file, startOffset, endOffset)
  2. Write (file, startOffset, endOffset) - Not often invoked in practice
  3. AtomicRecordAppend (file, data)
    1. Data guaranteed not to be interleaved with current atomic appends
    2. Returns offset where data is written
    3. Use-case - Pubsub on GFS or Merging data



Consists of a Master and Chunk nodes.

  1. Master node maintains the metadata
  2. A lower layer (i.e. a set of chunkservers) stores the data in units called “chunks”.

GFS Architecture


Simple design. Global state allows for better decision making.

  1. Stores mapping between files and chunks. (filename -> array-of-chunkhandle table and a chunkhandle -> list-of-chunkservers table)
  2. Has prefix compression to save file names in memory
  3. Chunk handles - 64 bytes.
  4. Chunks are replicated over 3 nodes by default. (RF=3)

Chunk Servers

Chunk Server

Operation Log

  1. Master stores 3 types of information
    1. File/Chunk namespaces.
    2. Mapping between files->chunks
    3. Location of chunk’s replicas.
  2. To avoid Master becoming a bottleneck, we store the above metadata in memory. But we also persist 1.a, and 1.b in disk from time to time. 1.c. not written to reduce space.
  3. Operation log - (glorified) WAL
    1. Orders all operations
    2. Must be written and synchronously replicated to other nodes before Master returns any data back to clients.

Handling Master Failure

  1. Master can replay its operation log to restore its old state
  2. Note - Log only contains 1.a and 1.b. Not 1.c -> location of chunk replicas.
    1. Solution: Master queries chunk server to identify what they hold.
    2. Problem: Takes a long time.
  3. Other problem: Op log can be very long.
    1. Solution: Checkpointing state from time to time. Only read logs after the most recent checkpoint.
    2. Problem: Checkpointing can slow down Master.

GFS Reads

GFS Reads

GFS Writes


  1. How can we write as fast as possible considering Google’s network bandwidth?
  2. How can we determine an ordering of concurrent writes?

Answer: By separating data transfer and ordering of writes.

Data Transfer

Data Transfer

  1. Data is pipelined. As soon as A receives packets, it forwards data to B, C etc.
  2. Data is always sent to the closest replica that hasn’t received it.

Concurrent Writes

Concurrent Write Problem in GFS

Chunk Leases

Chunk Leases in GFS

Write Consistency

  1. By splitting the data transfer and order of writes, we get maximum throughput while keeping the data in a chunk the same across replicas.
    1. If we fail to apply a write to all replicas, client will retry a couple of times.
    2. If retries keep failing, Master checks the version number of chunks in replicas
    3. Each chunk has a version number, so if Master notices a replica with a lower version number than others, it will consider the replica invalid and replace it with a new node.

Writes to Multiple Chunks

Writes to Multiple chunks


Atomic Record Appends

Implications For Clients

  1. Prefer appends to writes.
    1. No need for locking.
    2. No interleaving
    3. Readers need to be able to handle padding/duplicates.
      1. Use checksums to confirm the validity of the data.
      2. Generate idempotency keys from duplicates.

Once data is written, how do we ensure its durability?

Ensuring Durability - Replication

  1. GFS has RF=3
    1. “Rack aware”, to place chunks across racks, to reduce the risk of rack failure.
    2. Data is lost when all replicas of a chunk are lost.
    3. Choose replicas with low disk usage and not many recently created files.
  2. Master “heartbeats” replicas to keep track of replicas per chunk
    1. Any corrupted/outdated chunk not counted – master will bring up a newer replica.
    2. Copies data from existing replicas
    3. Higher priority given to chunks with fewer remaining replicas
    4. Amount of replica copying at once is limited to avoid overloading GFS.

State replicas identified with version numbers. How about corrupted ones? Checksums!


Other Performance Optimizations

Copy On Write File Snapshotting

Flipside - unequal # of chunks across chunkserver nodes. Solution - Rebalancing.

Rebalancing Chunks

Master checks for an uneven number of chunks across chunkserver nodes and distributes them as a background thread.

Master Namespace Concurrency


/                        R
/logs/server1/           R
/logs/server1/log1.txt   W

Lazy Garbage Collection

Background thread to free-up disk space containing chunks that are corrupted, stale or deleted.

Shadow Master


  1. Failure is expected
    1. Op log and checkpointing in Master node.
    2. Version number, checksums, rack aware replicas in chunkservers.
  2. Design for your requirements
    1. Favours small appends over large writes, many reads.
    2. Optimized for N/W bandwidth, data transfer pipelining vs. data ordering
  3. Single Master is OKAY
    1. Allows global view of state
    2. Need optimizations to avoid bottlenecks


Master Node Fault-Tolerance

  1. GFS relies on a single master node to manage metadata (file namespace, chunk locations, etc.). This can become a bottleneck, both in terms of performance and scalability. If the master node becomes overloaded, it can limit the throughput of the entire system.
  2. Additionally, the failure of the master node, while recoverable, can disrupt the system until it is fully restored.

Ineffective for Smaller Files / Not suited for Random Writes

GFS is optimized for large files and large sequential writes. However, it performs poorly with small files and random writes, leading to hot partitions.

Consistency Issues

  1. GFS only provides relaxed consistency guarantees. This means that applications must be tolerant of inconsistencies, which can occur during failures or concurrent writes.
  2. While this works for certain applications, such as log processing and batch jobs, it can be problematic for use cases requiring strong consistency guarantees.

High Latency For Realtime Applications

GFS was optimized for batch processing, leading to higher latency for real-time applications like Search and Gmail.

GFS vs Colossus



  1. Disaggregation of resources - Scalable Metadata System and Storage Layer.
  2. Also, minimal # of hops between client and disk.


  1. Client Library
    1. Interface for applications to interact with Colossus.
  2. Control Plane
    1. Curators
      1. Scalable Metadata Service, storing it in BigTable. - 100x better than the largest GFS cluster.
      2. The curators manage metadata, keeps track of where all the files are located and their relevant information.
      3. Clients talk directly to curators for control operations, such as file creation, and can scale horizontally.
    2. Custodians
      1. Background Storage Manager.
      2. Manages the disk space and performs garbage collection.
    3. D Servers
      1. File servers that store data.


Feature GFS HDFS
Master Node/HA Single master node, no HA by default NameNode with HA and secondary NameNode
Fault Tolerance Replication of chunks (3 copies) Replication of blocks (3 copies, HA)
Consistency Relaxed, allows inconsistencies Stricter, write-once-read-many
File Access Sequential writes, inefficient small files Sequential writes, improved small file handling
Block Size 64 MB 128 MB
Random Writes Inefficient Not supported
Interface Proprietary POSIX compliant API
Servers Master, Chunkserver Name node, Data node
WAL Oplog Journal, edit log
Database files Bigtable sits on top of GFS HBase sits on top of HDFS


  1. Jordan Has No Life - GFS Review
  2. GFS: Evolution on Fast-forward
  3. MIT 6.824: Distributed Systems - GFS Lecture
  4. A peek behind the VM at the Google Storage infrastructure - Colossus
  5. MIT 6.824: Distributed Systems - GFS Lecture - FAQ
  6. MIT 6.824: Distributed Systems - GFS Lecture - Notes